Package inca :: Module SimpleUnitReporter :: Class SimpleUnitReporter
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Class SimpleUnitReporter

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Reporter.Reporter --+
Known Subclasses:

SimpleUnitReporter - Module for creating simple unit reporters:

 from inca.SimpleUnitReporter import SimpleUnitReporter
 reporter = SimpleUnitReporter(
   name = 'Reporter Name',
   version = 0.1,
   description = 'A really helpful reporter description',
   url = ''
   unit_name = 'What this reporter tests'

This module is a subclass of Reporter that provides convenience methods for testing the successful operation of a software package. If the test completes, the report body contains:


Otherwise, the exit_status of the report is set to false.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, **attributes)
Class constructor that returns a new SimpleUnitReporter object.
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Return the name of the unit being tested.
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Constructs and returns the body of the reporter.
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setUnitName(self, name)
Set the name of the unit being tested to name.
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unitFailure(self, msg)
Sets the result of this unit test to be failed with failure message msg.
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Sets the result of this unit test to be successful.
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Inherited from Reporter.Reporter: __del__, addArg, addDependency, argValue, argValues, compiledProgramOutput, compiledProgramStatusOutput, failPrintAndExit, getBody, getCompleted, getCwd, getDescription, getFailMessage, getName, getUrl, getVersion, log, loggedCommandOutput, loggedCommandStatusOutput, printReport, processArgv, report, setBody, setCompleted, setCwd, setDescription, setFailMessage, setName, setResult, setUrl, setVersion, tempFile, xmlElement

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, **attributes)

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Class constructor that returns a new SimpleUnitReporter object. The constructor supports the following parameter in addition to those supported by Reporter:

   the name of the unit being tested; default ''.
Overrides: Reporter.Reporter.__init__


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Constructs and returns the body of the reporter.

Overrides: Reporter.Reporter.reportBody