Package inca :: Module Reporter :: Class Reporter
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Class Reporter

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Known Subclasses:

Reporter - Module for creating Inca reporters:

 from inca.Reporter import Reporter
 reporter = Reporter(
   name = 'hack.version',
   version = 0.1,
   description = 'A really helpful reporter description',
   url = ''

This module creates Inca reporters--objects that produce XML that follows the Inca Report schema. The constructor may be called with a number of reporter attributes that can later be set and queried with their corresponding get/set functions (described below). For example:

 reporter = Reporter()
Instance Methods [hide private]
Class destructor.
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__init__(self, **attributes)
Class constructor that returns a new Reporter object.
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Returns help information formatted as the body of an Inca report.
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_iso8601Time(self, when)
Returns the UTC time for the time() return value when in ISO 8601 format: CCMM-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
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_reportXml(self, *contents)
Returns XML report beginning with the header and input sections plus any contents specified in the arguments.
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SIGALRM handler that throws an exception.
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addArg(self, name, description=None, default=None, pattern=None)
Adds a command line argument (invocation syntax -name=value) to the reporter.
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addDependency(self, *dependencies)
Add one or more dependencies to the list of modules on which this reporter depends.
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argValue(self, name, position=None)
Called after the processArgv method, this returns the value of the position'th instance (starting with 1) of the name command-line argument.
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argValues(self, name)
Called after the processArgv method, this returns an array of all values specified for the name command-line argument.
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compiledProgramOutput(self, **params)
A convenience; compiles and runs a program, removes the source and exec files, and returns the program's combined stderr/out output.
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compiledProgramStatusOutput(self, **params)
A convenience; compiles and runs a program, removes the source and exec files, and returns a tuple that contains the program's exit code and its combined stderr/out output.
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failPrintAndExit(self, msg)
A convenience; calls setResult(0, msg) and printReport() before exiting the reporter.
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Returns the body of the report.
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Returns the completion indicator of the reporter.
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Returns the initial working directory of the reporter.
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Returns the initial working directory of the reporter.
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Returns the failure message of the reporter.
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Returns the name that identifies this reporter.
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Returns the url which describes the reporter in more detail.
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Returns the version of the reporter.
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log(self, type, *msgs)
Appends each element of msgs to the list of type log messages stored in the reporter.
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loggedCommandOutput(self, cmd, timeout=None)
A convenience; appends cmd to the 'system'-type log messages stored in the reporter, then runs cmd and returns its combined stderr/stdout.
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loggedCommandStatusOutput(self, cmd, timeout=None)
A convenience; appends cmd to the 'system'-type log messages stored in the reporter, then runs cmd and returns a tuple that contains its exit code and combined stderr/stdout.
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printReport(self, verbose=None)
A convenience; prints report(verbose) to stdout.
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processArgv(self, argv)
Processes argv which is a list of command-line arguments of the form -name=value
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report(self, verbose=None)
Returns report text or XML, depending on the value (0, 1, 2) of verbose.
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Constructs and returns the XML contents of the report body.
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setBody(self, body)
Sets the body of the report to body.
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setCompleted(self, completed)
Sets the completion indicator of the reporter to completed.
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setCwd(self, cwd)
Sets the initial working directory of the reporter to cwd.
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setDescription(self, description)
Sets the description of the reporter to description.
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setFailMessage(self, msg)
Sets the failure message of the reporter to msg.
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setName(self, name)
Sets the name that identifies this reporter to name.
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setResult(self, completed, msg=None)
A convenience; calls setCompleted(completed) and setFailMessage(msg).
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setUrl(self, url)
Sets the url for the reporter to url.
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setVersion(self, version)
Sets the version of the reporter to version.
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tempFile(self, *paths)
A convenience.
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xmlElement(self, name, escape, *contents)
Returns the XML element name surrounding contents.
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Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, **attributes)

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Class constructor that returns a new Reporter object.

The constructor may be called with any of the following named attributes as parameters:

   the XML body of the report.  See the Inca Report schema for format.

   boolean indicating whether or not the reporter has completed
   generating the information it is intended to produce

   a verbose description of the reporter

   a message describing why the reporter failed to complete its task

   the name that identifies this reporter

   URL to get more information about the reporter

   the version of the reporter; defaults to '0'

addArg(self, name, description=None, default=None, pattern=None)

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Adds a command line argument (invocation syntax -name=value) to the reporter. If supplied, the optional description will be included in the reporter help XML and display. If supplied, default indicates that the argument is optional; the argValue method will return default if the command line does not include a value for the argument. The optional pattern specifies a pattern for recognizing valid argument values; the default is '.*', which means that any text is acceptable for the argument value.

addDependency(self, *dependencies)

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Add one or more dependencies to the list of modules on which this reporter depends. Dependencies are reported as part of reporter help output to assist reporter repository tools in their retrievals. NOTE: dependencies on the standard Inca reporter library modules are added by the modules themselves, so a reporter only needs to invoke this method to report external dependencies. The Inca Reporter Instance Manager presently only supports dependencies on Inca repository packages.

argValue(self, name, position=None)

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Called after the processArgv method, this returns the value of the position'th instance (starting with 1) of the name command-line argument. Returns the value of the last instance if position is None. Returns None if name is not a recognized argument. Returns the default value for name if it has one and name is included fewer than position times on the command line.

argValues(self, name)

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Called after the processArgv method, this returns an array of all values specified for the name command-line argument. Returns None if name is not a recognized argument. Returns a single-element array containing the default value for name if it has one and name does not appear on the command line.

compiledProgramOutput(self, **params)

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A convenience; compiles and runs a program, removes the source and exec files, and returns the program's combined stderr/out output. See compiledProgramStatusOutput for a list of recognized params.

compiledProgramStatusOutput(self, **params)

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A convenience; compiles and runs a program, removes the source and exec files, and returns a tuple that contains the program's exit code and its combined stderr/out output. Recognized params:

   the code to compile; required

   the compiler to invoke; defaults to cc

   source file language--one of 'c', 'c++', 'fortran', or 'java';
   defaults to 'c'.

   the switch to use to specify the compiler output file; default '-o '

   additional switches to pass to the compiler; defaults to ''

   max seconds compilation/execution may take; returns a non-zero exit
   status and any partial program output on time-out

log(self, type, *msgs)

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Appends each element of msgs to the list of type log messages stored in the reporter. type must be one of 'debug', 'error', 'info', 'system', or 'warn'.

loggedCommandOutput(self, cmd, timeout=None)

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A convenience; appends cmd to the 'system'-type log messages stored in the reporter, then runs cmd and returns its combined stderr/stdout. If timeout is specified and the command doesn't complete within timeout seconds, aborts the execution of cmd and returns any partial output.

loggedCommandStatusOutput(self, cmd, timeout=None)

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A convenience; appends cmd to the 'system'-type log messages stored in the reporter, then runs cmd and returns a tuple that contains its exit code and combined stderr/stdout. If timeout is specified and the command doesn't complete within timeout seconds, aborts the execution of cmd and returns a non-zero exit code and any partial output.

processArgv(self, argv)

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Processes argv which is a list of command-line arguments of the form -name=value

The following options are predefined:

     Prints help information describing the reporter inputs, then
     forces the reporter to exit.  If the verbose level is 0, the
     output will be text; otherwise, it will be Inca Report XML.
   no (default)
     Normal reporter execution.

   0 (default)
     log no messages
     log error messages
     log error and warning messages
     log error, warning, and system messages
     log error, warning, system, and info messages
     log error, warning, system, info, and debug messages
     log only debug messages
     log only error messages
     log only info messages
     log only system messages
     log only warning messages

     print will only produce "completed" or "failed".
   1 (default)
     print will produce Inca Report XML.
     print will produce Inca Report XML that includes help information.

    Prints the reporter version number and exits.
  no (default)
    Normal reporter execution.

report(self, verbose=None)

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Returns report text or XML, depending on the value (0, 1, 2) of verbose. Uses the value of the -verbose switch if verbose is None.


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Constructs and returns the XML contents of the report body. Child classes should override the default implementation, which returns None.

setVersion(self, version)

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Sets the version of the reporter to version. Recognizes and parses CVS revision strings.

tempFile(self, *paths)

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A convenience. Adds each element of paths to a list of temporary files that will be deleted automatically when the reporter is destroyed.

xmlElement(self, name, escape, *contents)

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Returns the XML element name surrounding contents. escape should be true only for leaf elements; in this case, each special XML character (<>&) in contents is replaced by the equivalent XML entity.