ACCEPT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.Server
ACTION - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.PermitTest
addRepository(Repository) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repositories
Add a repository to the set.
addTrustedCert(Certificate) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
Add a single trusted certificate.
addWork(Object) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.WorkQueue
Add a task to the workQueue.
AGENT_CLIENT_OPTS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.AgentClient
AgentClient - Class in edu.sdsc.inca
This class allows access to the services provided by an Inca Agent.
AgentClient() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.AgentClient
appendSeriesConfig(SeriesConfig) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteWrapper
Append a new series config to the existing suite.
appendToStringBuffer(StringBuffer, String[]) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.StringMethods
Append a series of strings to the specified string buffer.
approve(String, IncaDocument) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.AgentClient
Approve the enclosed series config changes for the specified resource.
APPROVE_ACTION - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
APPROVE_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
Command: APPROVE SP resourceId SP xml CRLF Response: OK CRLF.
authenticate - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component


baseUrl - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repository
binary(StringBuffer, Properties, String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExprEvaluator
Part of a simple top-down expression evaluator.


CachedProperties - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.util
Creates cached Properties fetched according to refreshMins.
CachedProperties(String, String) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CachedProperties
Sets the name of the properties file in the classpath and the default number of minutes to fetch it if not specified as a system property.
catalog - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repository
CATALOG_GET_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
Command: GETCATALOG [SP url] CRLF Response: OK SP reporters CRLF.
CATALOG_NAME - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repository
cd - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.Server
cert - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
certPath - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
changeAction(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteWrapper
Change the action in all series configs found in the suite document.
CHECK_PERIOD_MACRO - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
CHECK_PERIOD_MACRO_DEFAULT - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
childrenWithEquiv - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapper.ResourceInfo
childrenWithoutEquiv - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapper.ResourceInfo
chooseCronFieldValue(String, boolean, int) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteStagesWrapper
Given a field in a cron line (e.g., hour or day), check it for instances of '?' meaning anytime.
chooseSchedule(Schedule) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteStagesWrapper
A schedule may contain '?' in its cron fields meaning run at any time in the field.
clear() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.WorkQueue
Clear the queue of all work
Client - Class in edu.sdsc.inca
This class implements the functionality common to all Inca client classes.
Client() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.Client
CLIENT_OPTS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.Client
CLIENT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.Server
close() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Client
Close the client socket to the server.
close() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.ProtocolReader
Closes the reader.
close() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.ProtocolWriter
Closes the writer.
closed - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.ProtocolReader
closed - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.ProtocolWriter
commandGetLog() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Client
Retrieve the text in the server's log file, if any.
commandLogConfig(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Client
Send a log config message to the server.
commandPermit(String, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Client
Send a permit command to the server.
commandPing(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Client
Send a ping to the server and return the response data.
commandPing(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.ManagerClient
Send a ping to the server and return the response data.
compare(HashSet, String[]) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExpandablePatternTest
Tests a HashSet to see if it contains the expected members.
compareTo(String, String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.StringMethods
Returns an indicator of the relationship between two operands.
Component - Class in edu.sdsc.inca
This class encapsulates the common behavior of the Client and Server classes.
Component() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
COMPONENT_OPTS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
COMPUTE_METHOD_MACRO - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
COMPUTE_METHOD_MACRO_DEFAULT - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
COMPUTE_METHODS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
COMPUTE_PORT_MACRO - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
COMPUTE_SERVER_MACRO - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
CONFIG_ACTION - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
CONFIG_GET_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
Command: GETCONFIG CRLF Response: OK SP xml CRLF.
CONFIG_SET_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
Command: SETCONFIG SP xml CRLF Response: OK CRLF.
configComponent(Component, String[], String, String, String, String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
A convenience function for configuring a Component (or descendent class) from the system properties, the arguments passed to main, and the properties file.
configEqual(SeriesConfig, SeriesConfig) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.XmlWrapper
Return true if the given report series configs are equivalent.
ConfigProperties - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.util
This is an extension of the standard Properties class that can generate elements by command-line parsing and by stripping prefixes from the elements of Properties objects--both useful in generating configuration values.
ConfigProperties() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ConfigProperties
ConfigPropertiesTest - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.util
ConfigPropertiesTest() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ConfigPropertiesTest
ConfigurationException - Exception in edu.sdsc.inca
Indicates that some configuration problem has occured within Inca.
ConfigurationException() - Constructor for exception edu.sdsc.inca.ConfigurationException
Default constructor.
ConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.sdsc.inca.ConfigurationException
Create a configuration exception with the given message.
ConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.sdsc.inca.ConfigurationException
Add a message to the Exception and a cause.
ConfigurationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.sdsc.inca.ConfigurationException
Add just a cause to the exception.
conjunction(StringBuffer, Properties, String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExprEvaluator
Part of a simple top-down expression evaluator.
connect() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Client
Establish a connection to the server.
Constants - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.util
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
Constants() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.Constants
convertDateString(String, String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.StringMethods
Convert a String to a Date using the format passed
copySuiteAttributes(SuiteDocument) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteWrapper
Copy the top level suite attributes: name, guid, and description to supplied suite document.
CR - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.ProtocolReader
createCron(String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.XmlWrapper
Create a cron object from a whitespace separated cron string
createSampleRepository(String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.RepositoriesTest
Create a small repository which can be used in testing.
createSampleResources() - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapperTest
Returns a sample resource configuration file that can be used in tests.
createSampleSuite(Repositories) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteWrapperTest
Creates a suite with the following reporters: gcc version reporter running on resource teragrid myproxy unit reporter running on resource teragrid gatekeeper unit reporter running on resource teragrid tgcp unit reporter running on resource teragrid
createSampleSuiteModification(Repositories) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteWrapperTest
Creates a suite with the following reporters: deletes gcc version reporter running on resource teragrid adds gcc version reporter running on resource sdsc deletes myproxy unit reporter running on resource teragrid
createSocket(boolean, String, int) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
Creates and returns a socket with any appropriate authentication.
CRLF - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.DepotClient
CRLF - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.PermitTest
CRLF - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.ProtocolWriter
CRLF - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.ProtocolWriterTest
CRLF - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.VerifyProtocolVersionTest
CronSchedule - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.util
A class that represents a cron schedule: an event schedule that allows for execution based on some combination of minute, hour, day of month, month, and day of week.
CronSchedule() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CronSchedule
CronSchedule(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CronSchedule
CronScheduleTest - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.util
Basic tests to check for CronSchedule functionality.
CronScheduleTest() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CronScheduleTest
Crypter - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.util
The Crypter class provides the ability to de/encrypt strings.
Crypter(String, String) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.Crypter
Constructs a Crypter that can de/encrypt strings using a specified passphrase and algorithm.
CrypterException - Exception in edu.sdsc.inca.util
Indicates that some configuration problem has occured within Inca.
CrypterException() - Constructor for exception edu.sdsc.inca.util.CrypterException
Default constructor.
CrypterException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.sdsc.inca.util.CrypterException
Create a configuration exception with the given message.
CrypterException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.sdsc.inca.util.CrypterException
Add a message to the Exception and a cause.
CrypterException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.sdsc.inca.util.CrypterException
Add just a cause to the exception.
CrypterTest - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.util
CrypterTest() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CrypterTest
cryptMatchingSubstrings(String, Pattern, boolean) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.Crypter
Returns a specified string with all substrings that match a specified pattern de/encrypted.
cryptSensitive(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.XmlWrapper
Decrypt/encrypt the values of name/value pairs where the name is a password/passphrase in the provided string.


DAYS_TO_MONTH - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.Constants
DAYS_TO_WEEK - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.Constants
decipher - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.Crypter
decrypt(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.Crypter
Returns the decrypted version of a specified string.
decryptMatchingSubstrings(String, Pattern) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.Crypter
Returns a specified string with all substrings that match a specified pattern decrypted.
decryptMatchingSubstrings(String, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.Crypter
Returns a specified string with all substrings that match a specified pattern decrypted.
DEFAULT_PATH - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repositories
deleteDirectory(File) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.StringMethods
Recursively delete a directory Cut-n-paste from http://www.rgagnon.com/javadetails/java-0483.html
DEPENDS_ATTR - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repositories
deployPath - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.AgentClient
DEPOT_CLIENT_OPTS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.DepotClient
DepotClient - Class in edu.sdsc.inca
This class allows access to the services provided by an Inca Depot.
DepotClient() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.DepotClient
dialog(String, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Client
Sends a statement to the server and returns the data from a successful response.
diff(SuiteDocument) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteWrapper
Compare the existing suite against the passed in suite and return the differences as adds and deletes.
DN - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.PermitTest
doWork(Object) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.ServerWorker
doWork(Object) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.Worker
Abstract method: should do the actual work required.


edu.sdsc.inca - package edu.sdsc.inca
edu.sdsc.inca.protocol - package edu.sdsc.inca.protocol
edu.sdsc.inca.repository - package edu.sdsc.inca.repository
edu.sdsc.inca.util - package edu.sdsc.inca.util
EMAIL_MACRO - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
encipher - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.Crypter
encrypt(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.Crypter
Returns the encrypted version of a specified string.
encryptMatchingSubstrings(String, Pattern) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.Crypter
Returns a specified string with all substrings that match a specified pattern encrypted.
encryptMatchingSubstrings(String, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.Crypter
Returns a specified string with all substrings that match a specified pattern encrypted.
END_QUERY_RESULTS_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Statement
Compares two statements for equality.
equals(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repository
Returns true if the given repository url matches this repository url.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapper
Return true iff another object is a ResourcesWrapper with identical resource information.
EQUIVALENT_MACRO - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
errorReply(ProtocolWriter, String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.MessageHandler
A convenience method that logs and writes an error message.
escape(String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.XmlWrapper
Escape illegal XML characters in a string.
eval(String, Properties, String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExprEvaluator
Evaluate a boolean expression given a set of symbols.
execute(ProtocolReader, ProtocolWriter, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.GetLog
execute(ProtocolReader, ProtocolWriter, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.LogConfig
execute(ProtocolReader, ProtocolWriter, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.MessageHandler
Service an incoming request from a specified client DN, using specified i/o streams.
execute(ProtocolReader, ProtocolWriter, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Permit
execute(ProtocolReader, ProtocolWriter, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Ping
execute(ProtocolReader, ProtocolWriter, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.VerifyProtocolVersion
exists(String, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repository
Return whether a package exists in the repository with a given property name and value.
expand() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExpandablePattern
Returns the set of strings that a specified regular expression matches.
expand(String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExpandablePattern
Returns the set of strings that a specified regular expression matches.
expand(String, HashSet) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExpandablePattern
Returns the set of strings that a specified regular expression matches.
expand(String, String, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapper
Expand any macros in the specified string and return the results as a vector of strings.
ExpandablePattern - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.util
A pattern (regular expression) that can return the set of strings it matches.
ExpandablePattern(String) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExpandablePattern
Constructs a new ExpandablePattern that uses a specified regular expression.
ExpandablePattern(String, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExpandablePattern
Constructs a new ExpandablePattern that uses a specified regular expresion or Glob-style pattern.
ExpandablePatternTest - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.util
A JUnit for the ExpandablePattern class.
ExpandablePatternTest() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExpandablePatternTest
expandCharSet(String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExpandablePattern
Returns the set of strings that a specified character set matches.
EXPANSION_SET_TOO_BIG - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExpandablePattern
ExprEvaluator - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.util
A simple top-down boolean expression evaluator.
ExprEvaluator() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExprEvaluator
ExprEvaluatorTest - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.util
ExprEvaluatorTest() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExprEvaluatorTest


FAIL_EXPR_FAILED - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExprEvaluator
Failure result values from eval.
FAIL_INVALID_OPERATOR - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExprEvaluator
FAIL_MISSING_OPERAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExprEvaluator
FAIL_MISSING_OPERATOR - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExprEvaluator
FAIL_MISSING_RPAREN - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExprEvaluator
FAIL_UNDEFINED_SYMBOL - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExprEvaluator
FAILURE_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
Command: ERROR SP message CRLF Response: none.
FILE_ATTR - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repositories
FILE_PORT_MACRO - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
FILE_PORT_MACRO_DEFAULT - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
FILE_SERVER_MACRO - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
fileContents(String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.StringMethods
Returns the contents of a specified file as a String, with lines from the file delimited by newlines (\n).
fileContentsFromClasspath(String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.StringMethods
Find a file from the classpath and return the contents as a string.
findInClasspath(String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.StringMethods
Find a file in the classpath and return its path.
forbid(String, String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.MessageHandler
Indicate that a specified DN may no longer perform a specified action.


GASS_PORT_MACRO - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
GET_LOG_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
Command: GETLOG CRLF Response: OK SP text CRLF.
getAuthenticate() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
Is the connection authenticated?
getCatalog(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.AgentClient
Returns properties for all reporters contained within one repository or all repositories known to the Agent.
getCatalog() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repositories
Returns an array of Properties, each of which specifies the attributes of one reporter from the Agent's reporter repositories.
getCatalog() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repository
Returns information about the contents of the repository.
getCatalogAsXml(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.AgentClient
Like getCatlog, but returns wraps the catalog information into XML instead of an array of Properties.
getCertificate() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
Returns the component certificate.
getCertificatePath() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
Returns the path to the component certificate.
getCmd() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Statement
Retrieve the cmd.
getConfig() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.AgentClient
Returns IncaDocument XML for the Inca deployment configuration.
getData() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Statement
retrieve the data.
getDecipher() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.Crypter
Return a cipher that can be used for decryption.
getDeployPath() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.AgentClient
Returns the path to the IncaDocument XML deployment file.
getDn(boolean) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Client
Returns the DN associated with this connection.
getDn(Socket, boolean) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
Returns the DN from one end of a secure connection.
getDocument() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteStagesWrapper
Return the SuiteStagesDocument contained in this SuiteStagesWrapper object.
getEncipher() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.Crypter
Return a cipher that can be used for encryption.
getErrorStatement(String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Statement
Creates a new ERROR message with the given error message.
getFilePath() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repositories
Retrieve the path to the repositories file.
getFilePath() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapper
Return the path to resources file if applicable.
getHeader() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage
Returns the properties from the package header, which contains most of the package properties of interest.
getHostname() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
Returns the name of the host where the server is running.
getHour() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CronSchedule
Returns the hour field of the schedule.
getKey() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
Returns the component key.
getKeyPath() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
Returns the path to the component private key.
getLatestVersionOfPackage(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repositories
Return the latest version available for the named package in any of the repositories.
getLatestVersionOfPackage(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repository
Return the latest version of the specified package that exists in this repository or null if it doesn't exist.
getLead() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage
Returns the lead from the RPM package.
GetLog - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.protocol
GetLog() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.GetLog
getLogFile() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
Returns the path to the file where the component writes log messages.
getMday() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CronSchedule
Returns the day of month field of the schedule.
getMinimum(int, String, int, int) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CronSchedule
Given a cron field spec, a target integer, and a range, returns the lowest integer w/in the range, equal or greater to the target, that is included in the list of values specified by the field spec.
getMinute() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CronSchedule
Returns the minute field of the schedule.
getMonth() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CronSchedule
Returns the month field of the schedule.
getOkStatement(String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Statement
Creates a new OK message with the given payload.
getOperand(StringBuffer) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExprEvaluator
Part of a simple top-down expression evaluator.
getPassphrase() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapper
Return the passphrase associated with these resources.
getPassword() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
Gets the component encryption password.
getPerResourceSuiteDocument() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteStagesWrapper
Extract a suite document with all resource series config objects contained in this SuiteStages document.
getPort() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
Returns the port where the Server is listening.
getPrettyPrintOptions() - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.XmlWrapper
Return the standard printing options for XML documents.
getProperties() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.ReporterPackage
Returns the set of properties that describes the reporter package--a superset of the properties stored for the package in a repository.
getProperties(String, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repository
Retrieve the repository properties for the specified package and version.
getProperties() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CachedProperties
Gets property list from file in classpath if cache has expired according to refreshMins.
getPropertiesByLookup(String, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repository
Returns properties for all packages that match the given property name and value.
getPropertyValues(String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repository
Splits a property value from a catalog reporter entry into a set of values.
getProposedChanges(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.AgentClient
Request all proposed changes to the reporter manager that have not yet been committed to the manager.
getReader() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.ManagerClient
Return the reader connected to the remote reporter manager.
getReporter(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repository
Returns the contents of a file located via a specified path in the repository.
getReporterPackage(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repository
Returns a binary package located via a specified path in the repository.
getReporterStream() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.ReporterPackage
Returns an input stream from which the package gzip file may be read.
getRepositories() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repositories
Returns the list of reporter repositories stored in the object.
getRepositoryForPackage(String, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repositories
Return the repository that contains the specified package with the specified version.
getRepositoryUrlForPackage(String, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repositories
Translate the package name into a repository url.
getResourceConfigDocument() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapper
Return the stored resource configuration document.
getResourceName() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.ManagerClient
Return the name of the resource this manager client is attached to.
getResources(String, boolean) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapper
Recursively find the resource members (i.e., not resource sets) for the provided resource set.
getResourcesByXpath(String, boolean) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapper
Recursively find the resource members (i.e., not resource sets) for the resource sets specified in the provided xpath expression.
getResourceSeriesConfigCount() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteStagesWrapper
Return the number of per resource series configs stored in this SuiteStages document.
getResourceSuites() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteStagesWrapper
Iterate through the per resource series configs and extract suites for each of the resources.
getResourceSuites(SuiteDocument) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteStagesWrapper
Extract suites for each of the resources from the provided SuiteDocument
getSeriesConfig(int) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteWrapper
Return a series config from the suite.
getSeriesConfigCount() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteStagesWrapper
Return the number of multi-resource series configs stored in this SuiteStages document.
getSeriesConfigCount() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteWrapper
Return the number of series config objects contained in the suite document.
getSeriesConfigCountByPattern(String[], String[]) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteWrapper
Count the number of series configs that match the provided patterns.
getSeriesConfigs() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteWrapper
Return all series configs in the suite as an array.
getSignature() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.ReporterPackage
Returns the package signature, used to verify the contents of the package gzip file.
getSignature() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage
Returns the properties from the package signature.
getStartStatement() - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Statement
Creates a new Start message with the current Inca Protocol Version.
getSuiteDocument() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteStagesWrapper
Extract a suite document with all multi-resource series config objects contained in this SuiteStages document.
getSuiteDocument() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteWrapper
Return the root element of the suite document.
getSuiteDocumentWithVersions() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteStagesWrapper
Extract a suite document with all multi-resource series config objects contained in this SuiteStages document.
getTag() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
Returns the property tag.
getTagAsString(boolean) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
A convenience function that returns a text name for the tag.
getTempPath() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Server
Returns the path where the server stores temporary files.
getTrustedCertificates() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
Returns the set of certificates trusted by the component.
getTrustedPath() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
Get the path to the component trusted certificate directory.
getType() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
Returns the property type.
getTypeAsString() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
A convenience function that returns a text name for the type.
getUri() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
Return the uri for the server.
getURL() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repository
Returns the base URL through which this Repository is accessed.
getValue(String, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapper
Convenience method for getValues (see getValues for more documentation) when only one value is defined for the specified macro.
getValue() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
Returns the property value.
getValueAsString() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
Returns the property value in string form.
getValues(String, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapper
Scan resourceConfig and return a list of values for the macro that applies to this resource.
getVersion() - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Statement
Returns the Inca protocol version.
getWday() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CronSchedule
Returns the day of week field of the schedule.
getWork() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.WorkQueue
retrieve work from the workQueue.
getWorkerCount() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Server
Returns the number of worker threads this server uses.
getWriter() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.ManagerClient
Return the writer connected to the remote reporter manager.
GRAM_DN_MACRO - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
GRAM_SERVER_PORT_MACRO_DEFAULT - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
GRAM_SERVICE_MACRO - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
GRAM_SERVICE_MACRO_DEFAULT - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
GRIDFTP_DN_MACRO - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
GROUPNAME_MACRO - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol


hasHostEquivalence(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapper
Returns true if the given resource resource contains a set of hosts that are considered equivalent (i.e., only need to monitor on one of them)
hasPackageUpdated(String, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repositories
Checks for a package update by iterating through all repositories and returns true if it finds a version of the package more recent than the specified one.
hasRunNowMatch(SeriesConfig) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteWrapper
Given the supplied run now series config, check to see if it has a match to a scheduled series config
hostname - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
HOURS_TO_DAY - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.Constants


IMMEDIATE_SUITE_NAME - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
Suite name for run immediately requests.
INSERT_ACTION - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
INSERT_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
Command: [REPORT|RESEND] SP resource SP context CRLF [STDERR SP text CRLF] STDOUT SP xml CRLF SYSUSAGE SP usage CRLF Response: OK SP uri.
INSERT_STDERR_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
INSERT_STDOUT_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
INSERT_SYSUSAGE_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
insertReport(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.DepotClient
Asks the Depot to insert a new report into the database.
isClosed() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.ProtocolReader
Indicates whether or not the reader has been closed.
isClosed() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.ProtocolWriter
Indicates whether or not the writer has been closed.
isConnected() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Client
Query whether the client is presently connected.
isEmpty() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.WorkQueue
check to see if there is any work to be done.
isPermitted(String, String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.MessageHandler
Returns true iff a specified DN may perform a specified action.
isRunning() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Server
Returns true iff the Server is accepting connections.
isShutdown() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Server.ClientDispatcher
Returns true iff this thread has been interrupted and clean up is done.


join(String, String[]) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.StringMethods
Joins the separate strings in values into a single string with fields separated by the value of separator and returns that new string.


key - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
keyPath - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component


LEADING_TAG - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.StringMethods
LF - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.ProtocolReader
loadFromFile(String, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ConfigProperties
Reads properties from a file, retaining only those properties that have a name starting with the given prefix.
loadFromResource(String, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ConfigProperties
Reads properties from a resource, retaining only those properties that have a name starting with the given prefix.
loadFromStream(InputStream, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ConfigProperties
Reads properties from an input stream, retaining only those properties that have a name starting with the given prefix.
LOG_CONFIG_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
Command: LOGCONFIG SP property=level ,appender [,appender etc] Response: OK CRLF.
LogConfig - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.protocol
LogConfig() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.LogConfig
logFile - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
logger - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.AgentClient
logger - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.Client
logger - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
logger - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.DepotClient
logger - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.MessageHandler
logger that can be used by all MessageHandlers.
logger - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.ProtocolReader
logger - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.ProtocolWriter
logger - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.Server
logger - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.ServerClientTest
logger - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.ServerWorker
LOGIN_ID_MACRO - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol


MACRO_NAME_PATTERN - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
Constants for matching resource macro names, Agent predefined macro names, and some default values.
macros - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapper.ResourceInfo
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.AgentClient
A simple main method for exercising the AgentClient.
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Client
A simple main method for exercising the Client.
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.DepotClient
A simple main method for exercising the DepotClient.
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repository
The main for this class is a test program that lists the contents of one or more repositories listed on the command line.
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Server
A main function to start a generic server.
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExpandablePattern
Interactive test program for Expandable pattern.
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteStagesWrapper
Provide a command line interface to examining existing suite stage wrapper files or expanding them.
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.XmlWrapper
Provides a command line client to encrypt/decrypt Inca XML files
ManagerClient - Class in edu.sdsc.inca
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
ManagerClient() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.ManagerClient
matches(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExpandablePattern
Returns true iff this pattern matches s.
MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.ProtocolReader
MAX_EXPANSION - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExpandablePattern
mergeSeriesConfig(SeriesConfig) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteWrapper
Append a new series config to the existing suite.
mergeValidOptions(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ConfigProperties
Merges two strings of the form accepted by setPropertiesFromArgs.
MESSAGE - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.PermitTest
MessageHandler - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.protocol
The MessageHandler class should help guide the creation of all of the message handlers for each Inca server.
MessageHandler() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.MessageHandler
MessageHandlerFactory - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.protocol
MessageHandlerFactory() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.MessageHandlerFactory
MessageHandlerFactoryTest - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.protocol
MessageHandlerFactoryTest() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.MessageHandlerFactoryTest
MILLIS_IN_A_DAY - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.DepotClient
Asks the Depot for XML that summarizes the success/failure history over a given period to today for each series selected by an HQL WHERE clause expression.
MILLIS_TO_HOUR - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.Constants
MILLIS_TO_MINUTE - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.Constants
MILLIS_TO_SECOND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.Constants
MIME_DELIM - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.StringMethods
mimeMessage(String, String, String, File[], String[]) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.StringMethods
Construct a multi-part MIME email message that can contain attachments.
MINUTES_TO_HOUR - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.Constants
modify(SuiteWrapper) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteStagesWrapper
Apply multi-resource series config changes in the provided suite to the SuiteStages document.
MONTHS_TO_YEAR - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.Constants
MYPROXY_DN_MACRO - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
MYPROXY_HOST_MACRO - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
MYPROXY_LIFETIME_MACRO - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
MYPROXY_PASSWORD_MACRO - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
MYPROXY_PORT_MACRO - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
MYPROXY_USERNAME_MACRO - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol


NAME_ATTR - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repositories
newInstance(ProtocolReader) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.MessageHandlerFactory
Returns an instance of a MessageHandler based on the next command coming over a connection.
nextEvent() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CronSchedule
Returns the next date/time that this schedule will cause an event.
nextEvent(Date) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CronSchedule
Returns the next date/time after a specified date/time that this schedule will cause an event.


openResourceStream(String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
Returns an input stream for a resource found either in the classpath or on the file system.
OPERAND_PATTERN - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExprEvaluator
Operands: a quoted or slash-surrounded literal or a symbol.


PACKAGE_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
Command: PACKAGE SP uri CRLF FILENAME SP name CRLF VERSION SP version CRLF INSTALLPATH SP path CRLF [PERMISSION SP oct CRLF] CONTENT SP packageContent CRLF Response: OK CRLF Send a reporter module or tar.gz package to the reporter manager.
PACKAGE_CONTENT_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
PACKAGE_DEPENDENCIES_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
PACKAGE_FILENAME_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
PACKAGE_INSTALLPATH_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
PACKAGE_PERMISSIONS_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
PACKAGE_VERSION_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
parenthesized(StringBuffer, Properties, String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExprEvaluator
Part of a simple top-down expression evaluator.
parents - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapper.ResourceInfo
parse(String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CronSchedule
A factory method that returns the CronSchedule corresponding to a cron spec.
parseWHM(String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CronSchedule
A factory method that returns the CronSchedule corresponding to a cron spec w/an alternate format.
password - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
PASSWORD_MACRO_VALUE_PATTERN - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.XmlWrapper
PATTERN_MACRO - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
peekCommand() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.ProtocolReader
Returns the next command from the stream, or null on end.
permit(String, String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.MessageHandler
Indicate that a specified DN may perform a specified action.
Permit - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.protocol
Permit() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Permit
PERMIT - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.PermitTest
PERMIT_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
Command: PERMIT SP dn SP action CRLF Response: OK CRLF.
permittees(String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.MessageHandler
Returns the set of DNs permitted to perform a specified action, or null if no permissions have been registered for that action.
PermitTest - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.protocol
Test basic functionality of Permit
PermitTest() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.PermitTest
PING - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.PermitTest
Ping - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.protocol
Ping() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Ping
PING_ACTION - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
PING_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
Command: PING SP text CRLF Response: OK SP text CRLF.
PING_DATA - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.ServerClientTest
PING_REPLY - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.ServerClientTest
PING_STATEMENT - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.ServerClientTest
port - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
PREDEFINED_MACRO_NAME_PATTERN - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
prettyPrint(String, String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.XmlWrapper
Returns a copy of a specified XML document with added spacing and newlines to make it more readable.
PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_PATTERN - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.XmlWrapper
PROPOSED_GET_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
Command: GETPROPOSED SP resourceId CRLF Response: OK SP xml CRLF.
Protocol - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.protocol
This class declares constants and contains documentation pertaining to the Inca message protocol.
Protocol() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
ProtocolException - Exception in edu.sdsc.inca.protocol
Indicates the detection of malformed content in a protocol stream.
ProtocolException() - Constructor for exception edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.ProtocolException
Creates a new ProtocolException Object.
ProtocolException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.ProtocolException
Creates a new ProtocolException Object.
ProtocolException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.ProtocolException
Creates a new ProtocolException Object.
ProtocolException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.ProtocolException
Creates a new ProtocolException Object.
ProtocolReader - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.protocol
ProtocolReader(Reader, int) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.ProtocolReader
Create a buffering character-input stream that uses an input buffer of the specified size.
ProtocolReader(Reader) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.ProtocolReader
Create a buffering protocol-input stream that uses a default-sized input buffer.
ProtocolReaderTest - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.protocol
Tests basic functionality of the Protocol Reader.
ProtocolReaderTest() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.ProtocolReaderTest
ProtocolWriter - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.protocol
ProtocolWriter(Writer) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.ProtocolWriter
Create a buffered character-output stream that uses a default-sized output buffer.
ProtocolWriter(Writer, int) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.ProtocolWriter
Create a new buffered character-output stream that uses an output buffer of the given size.
ProtocolWriterTest - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.protocol
User: cmills Date: Feb 28, 2005 Time: 10:39:25 AM Tests writing a char array and a statement to the protocol writer.
ProtocolWriterTest() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.ProtocolWriterTest
PROXY_DN_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
PROXY_HOSTNAME_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
PROXY_LIFETIME_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
PROXY_MACRO - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
PROXY_PASSWORD_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
PROXY_PORT_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
PROXY_RENEW_INFO_GET_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
Command: PROXY_RENEW_INFO SP hostname CRLF Response: HOSTNAME SP hostname CRLF [DN SP dn CRLF] PORT SP port CRLF PASSWORD SP password CRLF LIFETIME SP lifetime CRLF Response: OK CRLF
PROXY_RENEW_MACRO - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
PROXY_USERNAME_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
putAllTrimmed(Properties, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ConfigProperties
Like putAll, but only copies those elements that have a name starting with the given prefix.


QUERY_DB_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
Command: QUERYDB Response: OK xml.
QUERY_GUIDS_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
Command: QUERYGUIDS CRLF Response: OK guids.
QUERY_HQL_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
QUERY_INSTANCE_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
QUERY_LATEST_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
QUERY_PERIOD_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
QUERY_RESULT - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
Command: QUERYRESULT SP xml CRLF Reponse: none.
QUERY_SQL_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
QUERY_STATUS_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
Command: QUERYSTATUS SP period SP begin SP end SP expr CRLF Response: QUERYRESULT SP xml CRLF QUERYEND CRLF.
QUERY_USAGE_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
queryDatabase() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.DepotClient
Asks the Depot for information about the classes in the database.
queryDialog(String, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.DepotClient
An internal method that handles the functionality common to several query methods.
queryDialogWithNoSoTimeout(String, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.DepotClient
An internal method that handles the functionality common to several query methods.
queryGuids() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.DepotClient
Asks the Depot for all the suite guids in its database.
queryHql(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.DepotClient
Asks the Depot to run an HQL query; returns the result.
queryInstance(long, long) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.DepotClient
Asks the Depot for the ReportDetailsDocument for a specified instance.
queryLatest(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.DepotClient
Asks the Depot for XML for the latest instance of each series selected by an HQL WHERE clause expression.
queryPeriod(int, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.DepotClient
Asks the Depot for XML for instances collected over a given period of time for each series selected by an HQL WHERE clause expression.
queryPeriod(Date, Date, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.DepotClient
Asks the Depot for XML for instances collected over a given period of time for each series selected by an HQL WHERE clause expression.
queryStatusHistory(String, int, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.DepotClient
queryStatusHistory(String, Date, Date, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.DepotClient
Asks the Depot for XML that summarizes the success/failure history over a given period for each series selected by an HQL WHERE clause expression.


read() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Client
Read the next statement from the server.
read(String, String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.XmlWrapper
Read in a XML file from disk and decrypt any passwords/passphrases contained in it.
readCredentials() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
Read in the credentials using the paths to the credentials and passphrase.
reader - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.Client
readStatement() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.ProtocolReader
Reads a complete statement from the input stream, or null if the stream has been closed.
readVersion(String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
Read the version for the component from a file in the classpath.
refresh() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repositories
Refresh the current catalog contents of all repositories.
refresh() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repository
Refresh the catalog contents by downloading the Packages.gz file and replacing the current contents.
REGISTER_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
Command: REGISTER SP [NEW|EXISTING] SP resourceId CRLF Response: OK CRLF.
registerMessageHandler(String, String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.MessageHandlerFactory
Add a task to the known list.
remove() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteStagesWrapper
Remove the suite document from disk.
removeRepository(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repositories
Removes the repository with a particular URL from the set.
removeSeriesConfig(int) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteWrapper
Remove a specified series config from the suite.
removeSeriesConfig(SeriesConfig) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteWrapper
Remove a specified series config from the suite.
REPORT_ACTION - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
ReporterPackage - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.repository
The ReporterPackage class provides access to a single reporter package.
ReporterPackage(URL) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.ReporterPackage
Instantiates a new ReporterPackage located via url.
Repositories - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.repository
Provides convenience methods for dealing with a set of Inca reporter repositories.
Repositories() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repositories
Creates a Repositories object using the default repositories file to store its state.
Repositories(String) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repositories
Creates a Repositories object using the provided filePath to read/save the list of repositories.
RepositoriesTest - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.repository
Some testing of Repositories.
RepositoriesTest() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.RepositoriesTest
Repository - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.repository
The Repository class provides access to the contents of an Inca reporter repository--the catalog of Reporter packages and the packages themselves.
Repository(URL) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repository
Instantiates a repository accessed via a base URL.
Repository(URL, Properties[]) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repository
Instantiates a repository with a catalog generated elsewhere.
RepositoryPackageTest - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.repository
RepositoryPackageTest() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.RepositoryPackageTest
RESEND_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
resendReport(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.DepotClient
Asks the Depot to insert a report that may predate existing reports into the database.
resetPermissions() - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.MessageHandler
Removes all permissions--useful for testing.
resolveReporterNames(SuiteWrapper, Repositories) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteWrapperTest
Replace the reporter names with reporter uris.
resource - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapper.ResourceInfo
resourceName - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.ManagerClient
ResourcesWrapper - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.util
A convenience class for dealing with resource configuration files which provides methods for accessing the content.
ResourcesWrapper() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapper
Default constructor which creates a blank resource configuration document.
ResourcesWrapper(ResourceConfigDocument) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapper
Create a new ResourcesWrapper object from an XML Beans class instance.
ResourcesWrapper(String) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapper
Create a new ResourcesWrapper object from a unencrypted resource configuration XML document file.
ResourcesWrapper(String, String) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapper
Create a new ResourcesWrapper object from an encrypted resource configuration XML document file.
ResourcesWrapper(Reader) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapper
Create a new ResourcesWrapper object from a reader object.
ResourcesWrapper.ResourceInfo - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.util
ResourcesWrapper.ResourceInfo() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapper.ResourceInfo
ResourcesWrapperTest - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.util
A tester class for ResourcesWrapper.
ResourcesWrapperTest() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapperTest
RpmPackage - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.util
RpmPackage(InputStream) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage
Instantiates an RpmPackage by reading source.
RpmPackage.RpmLead - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.util
The lead of an RPM package is a fixed-length section that appears in the first 96 bytes.
RpmPackage.RpmLead(DataInputStream) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmLead
RpmPackage.RpmProperty - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.util
An RPM property is a numeric tag, a type indicator, and associated data.
RpmPackage.RpmProperty(int, int, byte[]) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
Instantiates a RpmProperty with the enclosed values.
RPMSIGTAG_GPG - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMSIGTAG_LEMD5_1 - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMSIGTAG_LEMD5_2 - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMSIGTAG_MD5 - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMSIGTAG_NAMES - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMSIGTAG_PAYLOADSIZE - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMSIGTAG_PGP - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMSIGTAG_PGP5 - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMSIGTAG_SIZE - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
Enumeration of signature property tag values.
RPMTAG_ARCH - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_ARCHIVESIZE - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_AUTOPROV - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_AUTOREQ - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_AUTOREQPROV - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_BASENAMES - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_BROKENMD5 - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_BUILDARCHS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_BUILDCONFLICTS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_BUILDHOST - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_BUILDMACROS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_BUILDPREREQ - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_BUILDREQUIRES - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_BUILDROOT - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_BUILDTIME - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_CACHECTIME - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_CACHEPKGMTIME - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_CACHEPKGPATH - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_CACHEPKGSIZE - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_CAPABILITY - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_CHANGELOG - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_CHANGELOGNAME - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_CHANGELOGTEXT - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_CHANGELOGTIME - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_CLASSDICT - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_CONFLICTFLAGS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_CONFLICTNAME - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_CONFLICTVERSION - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_COOKIE - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_CVSID - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_DEFAULTPREFIX - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_DEPENDSDICT - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_DIRINDEXES - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_DIRNAMES - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_DISTRIBUTION - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_DISTTAG - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_DISTURL - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_DOCDIR - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_ENHANCESFLAGS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_ENHANCESNAME - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_ENHANCESVERSION - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_EPOCH - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_EXCLUDE - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_EXCLUDEARCH - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_EXCLUDEOS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_EXCLUSIVE - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_EXCLUSIVEARCH - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_EXCLUSIVEOS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_FILECLASS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_FILECOLORS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_FILECONTEXTS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_FILEDEPENDSN - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_FILEDEPENDSX - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_FILEDEVICES - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_FILEFLAGS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_FILEGIDS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_FILEGROUPNAME - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_FILEINODES - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_FILELANGS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_FILELINKTOS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_FILEMD5S - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_FILEMODES - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_FILEMTIMES - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_FILERDEVS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_FILESIZES - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_FILESTATES - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_FILEUIDS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_FILEUSERNAME - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_FILEVERIFYFLAGS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_FSCONTEXTS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_GIF - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_GROUP - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_ICON - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_INSTALLPREFIX - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_INSTALLTID - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_INSTALLTIME - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_INSTPREFIXES - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_LICENSE - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_MULTILIBS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_NAME - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
Enumeration of header property tag values.
RPMTAG_NAMES - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_NOPATCH - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_NOSOURCE - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_OBSOLETEFLAGS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_OBSOLETENAME - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_OBSOLETEVERSION - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_OLDFILENAMES - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_OLDORIGFILENAMES - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_OPTFLAGS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_ORIGBASENAMES - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_ORIGDIRINDEXES - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_ORIGDIRNAMES - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_OS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_PACKAGER - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_PATCHESFLAGS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_PATCHESNAME - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_PATCHESVERSION - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_PAYLOADCOMPRESSOR - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_PAYLOADFLAGS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_PAYLOADFORMAT - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_PLATFORM - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_POLICIES - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_POSTIN - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_POSTINPROG - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_POSTTRANS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_POSTTRANSPROG - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_POSTUN - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_POSTUNPROG - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_PREFIXES - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_PREIN - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_PREINPROG - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_PREREQ - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_PRETRANS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_PRETRANSPROG - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_PREUN - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_PREUNPROG - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_PRIORITY - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_PROVIDEFLAGS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_PROVIDENAME - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_PROVIDEVERSION - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_RECONTEXTS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_RELEASE - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_REMOVETID - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_REQUIREFLAGS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_REQUIRENAME - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_REQUIREVERSION - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_RHNPLATFORM - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_ROOT - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_RPMVERSION - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_SHA1RHN - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_SIZE - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_SOURCE - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_SOURCEPACKAGE - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_SOURCEPKGID - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_SOURCERPM - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_SUGGESTSFLAGS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_SUGGESTSNAME - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_SUGGESTSVERSION - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_SUMMARY - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_TRIGGERFLAGS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_TRIGGERIN - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_TRIGGERINDEX - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_TRIGGERNAME - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_TRIGGERPOSTUN - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_TRIGGERSCRIPTPROG - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_TRIGGERSCRIPTS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_TRIGGERUN - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_TRIGGERVERSION - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_URL - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_VENDOR - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_VERIFYSCRIPT - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_VERIFYSCRIPTPROG - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_VERSION - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
RPMTAG_XPM - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
run() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Server.ClientDispatcher
Begin listening to the server socket and queueing client connections.
run() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Server.ServerShutdownHook
Notify the server of a shutdown request.
run() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.Worker
Start the worker.
RUN_NOW_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
Command: RUNNOW SP [incat|consumer] SP xml CRLF Response: OK CRLF.
runNow(String, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.AgentClient
Submits the following run now request to the agent
RUNNOW_ACTION - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
RUNNOW_TYPE_CONSUMER - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
RUNNOW_TYPE_INCAT - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
runServer() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Server
Start a thread that accepts and dispatches client connections.


save() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapper
Save the resource configuration file to disk.
save() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteStagesWrapper
Save the suite document to disk.
save(File) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteWrapper
Save the suite to the specified file
save(String, String, String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.XmlWrapper
saveRepositories(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repositories
Writes the set of repository URLs to a specified file.
sdf - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CronScheduleTest
SECONDS_TO_HOUR - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.Constants
SECONDS_TO_MINUTE - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.Constants
sendEmail(String, String, String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.StringMethods
Send a notification email to the specified email address.
sendEmail(String, String, String, File[], String[]) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.StringMethods
Send a notification email to the specified email address.
sendPackage(String, String, String, byte[], String, String, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.ManagerClient
Send the provided package information and content to the manager.
sendProxyRenewInfo(String, String, int, String, int, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.ManagerClient
Send the provided proxy renewal information to the manager.
sendSuite(String, SuiteDocument) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.ManagerClient
Send the specified suite document to the remote reporter manager.
SERIES_CONFIG_ADD - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
Actions for SeriesConfigs in SUITE_UPDATE_COMMAND.
SERIES_CONFIG_DELETE - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
seriesConfigCrossProduct(SeriesConfig, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteStagesWrapper
Expand the macros contained in the suite's seriesConfig using the definitions provided in resources and create multiple seriesConfig for suiteExpanded.
Server - Class in edu.sdsc.inca
Server() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.Server
server - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.Server.ServerShutdownHook
Server.ClientDispatcher - Class in edu.sdsc.inca
A class that listens on a server socket and adds new client connections to a work queue.
Server.ClientDispatcher(ServerSocket, WorkQueue) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.Server.ClientDispatcher
Constructs a new ClientDispatcher.
Server.ServerShutdownHook - Class in edu.sdsc.inca
This Class is run in a seperate thread when the server is shut down using ^C or SIGINT.
Server.ServerShutdownHook(Server) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.Server.ServerShutdownHook
Create a new shutdown hook and attach it to the given server.
SERVER_LOGFILE_PATH - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.ServerClientTest
SERVER_OPTS - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.Server
ServerClientTest - Class in edu.sdsc.inca
ServerClientTest() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.ServerClientTest
ServerTest - Class in edu.sdsc.inca
None of the tests in this class actually start the server...
ServerTest() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.ServerTest
ServerWorker - Class in edu.sdsc.inca
ServerWorker(WorkQueue) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.ServerWorker
Create the worker object associated with the named queue.
setAuthenticate(boolean) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
Determines whether or not the connection is authenticated.
setCatalog(Properties[]) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repository
Force the repository catalog to be a specified set of reporters.
setCertificatePath(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
Sets the path to the file that contains the component certificate.
setCmd(char[]) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Statement
set the cmd.
setConfig(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.AgentClient
Replaces or updates the Inca deployment configuration.
setConfiguration(Properties) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.AgentClient
A convenience function for setting multiple configuration properties at once.
setConfiguration(Properties) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Client
A convenience function for setting multiple configuration properties at once.
setConfiguration(Properties) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
A convenience function for setting multiple Component configuration properties at once.
setConfiguration(Properties) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.DepotClient
A convenience function for setting multiple configuration properties at once.
setConfiguration(Properties) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Server
A convenience function for setting multiple configuration properties at once.
setData(char[]) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Statement
set the data.
setDeployPath(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.AgentClient
Sets the path to the IncaDocument XML deployment file.
setDocument(SuiteStagesDocument) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteStagesWrapper
Set a new SuiteStages document for this object.
setFilePath(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repositories
Set the path to the repositories file.
setFilePath(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapper
Set the path to the resources file.
setHostname(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
Sets the name of the host where the server is running.
setHour(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CronSchedule
Sets the hour field of the schedule.
setKeyPath(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
Sets the path to the file that contains the component private key.
setLogFile(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
Sets the path to the file where the component writes log messages.
setMday(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CronSchedule
Sets the day of month field of the schedule.
setMinute(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CronSchedule
Sets the minute field of the schedule.
setMonth(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CronSchedule
Sets the month field of the schedule.
setPassphrase(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapper
Set the passphrase associated with these resources.
setPassword(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
Sets the component encryption password.
setPermissionsPath(String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.MessageHandler
Sets the path where DN permissions should be stored.
setPort(int) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
Set the port to bind to.
setPropertiesFromArgs(String, String[]) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ConfigProperties
Parses command-line arguments, storing each option/value pair as a property.
setReader(ProtocolReader) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.ManagerClient
Set the reader connected to the remote reporter manager.
setRepositories(Repository[]) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repositories
Set the repositories the agent should download reporters from upon receiving a suite (if it hasn't downloaded them before).
setResourceConfigDocument(ResourceConfigDocument) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapper
Set the resource configuration document to the provided document.
setResourceName(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.ManagerClient
Set the name of the resource the remote reporter manager is hosted on.
setResources(ResourcesWrapper) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteStagesWrapper
Set the new resource configuration information and apply it to the existing suite.
setServer(String, int) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Client
Sets the host and port of the server to contact.
setShutdown(boolean) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Server.ClientDispatcher
setTempPath(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Server
Sets the directory path where the Server stores temporary files.
setTrustedPath(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
Set the trusted certificates to the contents of the directory given.
setUp() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.MessageHandlerFactoryTest
setWday(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CronSchedule
Sets the day of week field of the schedule.
setWorkerCount(int) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Server
Sets the number of workers the Server uses to handle incoming messages.
setWriter(ProtocolWriter) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.ManagerClient
Set the writer connected to the remote reporter manager.
shutdown - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.Server.ClientDispatcher
shutdown() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Server
Asks the Server to shutdown.
skipSpaces(StringBuffer) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExprEvaluator
Removes leading spaces from a StringBuffer.
socket - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.Client
SP - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.ProtocolReader
ss - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.Server.ClientDispatcher
SSH_IDENTITY_MACRO - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
SSH_PASSWORD_MACRO - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
ssocket - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.Server
START_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
Command: START SP version Response: OK SP version.
Statement - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.protocol
Statement() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Statement
Creates a statement with no command or data.
Statement(char[]) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Statement
Creates a Statment from a byte array that contains both the command and optional data.
Statement(char[], char[]) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Statement
Create a new statement object from separate command and data arrays.
Statement(String) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Statement
Creates a Statment from a string that contains both the command and optional data.
Statement(String, String) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Statement
Create a new statement object from separate command and data strings.
StatementTest - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.protocol
Unit tests for Statment class.
StatementTest() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.StatementTest
StringMethods - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.util
A class of useful static utility methods that really don't fit elsewhere.
StringMethods() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.StringMethods
StringMethodsTest - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.util
StringMethodsTest() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.StringMethodsTest
SUCCESS_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
Command: OK [SP data] CRLF Response: none.
SUITE_ACTION - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
SUITE_UPDATE_COMMAND - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
Command: SUITE SP xml CRLF Response: OK SP version CRLF.
SuiteModificationException - Exception in edu.sdsc.inca.util
Exception for applying changes to suites.
SuiteModificationException() - Constructor for exception edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteModificationException
Creates a new ReporterManagerException Object.
SuiteModificationException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteModificationException
Creates a new ReporterManagerException Object.
SuiteModificationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteModificationException
Creates a new ReporterManagerException Object.
SuiteModificationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteModificationException
Creates a new ReporterManagerException Object.
SuiteStagesWrapper - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.util
Convenience object for accessing suite stages documents and persisting changes to them.
SuiteStagesWrapper(ResourcesWrapper) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteStagesWrapper
Create a SuiteStagesWrapper object with a blank SuiteStages document.
SuiteStagesWrapper(String, ResourcesWrapper) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteStagesWrapper
Create a new SuiteStagesWrapper object from a SuiteStages file.
SuiteStagesWrapper(String, String, ResourcesWrapper) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteStagesWrapper
Create a new SuiteStagesWrapper object from a SuiteStages file.
SuiteStagesWrapperTest - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.util
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
SuiteStagesWrapperTest() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteStagesWrapperTest
SuiteWrapper - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.util
Convenience object for accessing suite documents and persisting changes to them.
SuiteWrapper() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteWrapper
Create a new SuiteWrapper object containing a blank suite.
SuiteWrapper(Suite) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteWrapper
Create a new SuiteWrapper object from an XML Beans class instance.
SuiteWrapper(SuiteDocument) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteWrapper
Create a new SuiteWrapper object from an XML Beans class instance.
SuiteWrapper(String) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteWrapper
Create a new SuiteWrapper object from a suite XML file.
SuiteWrapperTest - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.util
Tests the SuiteWrapper class
SuiteWrapperTest() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteWrapperTest


TABLE_END - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.StringMethodsTest
TABLE_START - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.StringMethodsTest
tableRow(String, String[]) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.StringMethodsTest
telnetDialog(Client, String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Client
Allows the user to use a client via a telnet-style interface.
tempPath - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.Server
TEST_STRING - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.ProtocolWriterTest
testAddNull() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.WorkQueueTest
Adding null to the queue should throw a nullPointerException.
testAddRemoveSameWork() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.WorkQueueTest
Adds 10 integers and then uses 5 threads to retrieve them.
testAddWork() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.WorkQueueTest
Tests the addition of one task and the removal of that task.
testAlpha() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExprEvaluatorTest
testAlternation() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExpandablePatternTest
Tests expand for alternation.
testAlternationAndCatenation() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExpandablePatternTest
Tests expand for a mix of alternation and catenation.
testArgCrossProduct() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteStagesWrapperTest
Test the ability to get the cross product of a report series args
testBasicCharArray() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.ProtocolWriterTest
Test writing a simple char array.
testBlankSuite() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteStagesWrapperTest
Test good behavior when dealing with a blank suite
testBlankSuite() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteWrapperTest
Test good behavior when dealing with a blank suite
testChangeAction() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteWrapperTest
test the changeAction function
testCharSets() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExpandablePatternTest
Tests expand for character sets.
testChooseCronFieldValue() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteStagesWrapperTest
Test proper substitution of all cron fields
testChooseSchedule() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteStagesWrapperTest
Test ability to substitute '?'s in schedules
testClear() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.WorkQueueTest
Tests clear
testColons() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExprEvaluatorTest
testConcatenation() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExpandablePatternTest
Tests expand for concatenation.
testConfigEquals() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.XmlWrapperTest
testConjunctions() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExprEvaluatorTest
testConstruct() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.StatementTest
Test the constructor.
testConstructGetSet() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.StatementTest
test get and set after testing constructor.
testConstructor() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.ServerTest
Test that the constructor finishes correctly and the shutdown hook was set.
testConstructorAndSave() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapperTest
Test the constructor and save/read capabilities
testConstructors() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CronScheduleTest
Tests the class constructors.
testConstructorSimple() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.WorkQueueTest
just testing to see that it gets through the constructor without an exception.
testCRLFOnly() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.MessageHandlerFactoryTest
If the stream only contains CRLF then there should be a protocol exception.
testCronList() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CronScheduleTest
Tests the nextEvent method against a cron schedule w/lists.
testCronRange() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CronScheduleTest
Tests the nextEvent method against a cron schedule w/ranges.
testCronStep() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CronScheduleTest
Tests the nextEvent method against a cron schedule w/a step.
testCryptSensitive() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.XmlWrapperTest
Test crypSensitive function
testDailyEvent() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CronScheduleTest
Tests the nextEvent method against a daily cron schedule.
testDecrypt() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CrypterTest
testDecryptSubstrings() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CrypterTest
testDiff() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteWrapperTest
Test the diff function
testDifferentDigits() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExprEvaluatorTest
testDuplicates() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExpandablePatternTest
Tests expand for duplicate filtering.
testEmptyPattern() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExpandablePatternTest
Tests expand for an empty pattern.
testEmptyStream() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.MessageHandlerFactoryTest
Test the empty stream case.
testEncrypt() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CrypterTest
testEncryptSubstrings() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CrypterTest
testEnvironVars() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapperTest
Test the ability to properly expand macros with $ in the value
testEscape() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExpandablePatternTest
Tests escaping of special characters.
testEscape() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapperTest
Test the ability to properly escape XML
testExpand() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapperTest
Test ability to expand macros
testFailureMessage() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExprEvaluatorTest
testForbidden() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.PermitTest
testGetPropertyValues() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.RepositoryPackageTest
Tests the getPropertyValues class method.
testGetRepositoryForPackage() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.RepositoriesTest
Test function getRepositoryForPackage
testGetResources() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapperTest
Test getResources
testGetResourcesByXpath() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapperTest
Test getResources by xpath
testGetResourceSuites() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteStagesWrapperTest
Test ability to extract resource suites
testGetValues() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapperTest
Test getValue[s]
testGlob() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExpandablePatternTest
Tests that translation from glob to regexp is done correctly.
testHasRunNowMatch() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteWrapperTest
test the mergeSeriesConfig function
testHostEquivalence() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ResourcesWrapperTest
Test getResources using host equivalence
testHourlyEvent() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CronScheduleTest
Tests the nextEvent method against an hourly cron schedule.
testIncompleteStatement() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.MessageHandlerFactoryTest
Incomplete statement is a protocol exception.
testInfinite() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExpandablePatternTest
Tests expand for patterns that match an infinite set of strings.
testLoadFromFile() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ConfigPropertiesTest
testLocalhostResolution() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.ServerClientTest
Make sure we can resolve localhost
testLogCommands() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.ServerClientTest
Make sure the Client getLog and logConfig commands work.
testLongArgs() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ConfigPropertiesTest
testMatch() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.VerifyProtocolVersionTest
test finding matching versions.
testMergeEmptyOptions() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ConfigPropertiesTest
testMergeSeriesConfig() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteWrapperTest
test the mergeSeriesConfig function
testMergeValidOptions() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ConfigPropertiesTest
testMimeMessage() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.StringMethodsTest
testMismatch() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.VerifyProtocolVersionTest
test finding mismatched versions.
testMissingValue() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ConfigPropertiesTest
testModify() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteStagesWrapperTest
Test expansion
testMonthlyEvent() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CronScheduleTest
Tests the nextEvent method against a monthly cron schedule.
testMultilinePatterns() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExprEvaluatorTest
testMultipleSettings() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.PermitTest
testNesting() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExpandablePatternTest
Tests expand for nesting.
testNoArgs() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ConfigPropertiesTest
testNonexistentRepository() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.RepositoryPackageTest
Test that an instantiation with a non-existent URL throws an exception.
testNoPermissions() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.PermitTest
testNumericEscape() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExpandablePatternTest
Tests numeric escape characters.
testOpenResourceStream() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.ServerTest
testOptional() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExpandablePatternTest
Tests expand for the ? qualifier.
testPackageName() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExprEvaluatorTest
testParentheses() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExprEvaluatorTest
testParsers() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CronScheduleTest
Tests the static class parsers.
testPatterns() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExprEvaluatorTest
testPeek() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.ProtocolReaderTest
This tests the ability to peek at the next command.
testPermit() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.PermitTest
testPersistence() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.PermitTest
testPersistence() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.RepositoriesTest
Test constructor and save
testPersistenceAndModify() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteStagesWrapperTest
Test suite dao persistence.
testPingCommand() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.ServerClientTest
Make sure the Client ping command works.
testPingStatement() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.ServerClientTest
Make sure that a ping statement works.
testPoints() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExprEvaluatorTest
testPrettyPrint() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.XmlWrapperTest
Test prettyPrint method.
testPutAllTrimmed() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ConfigPropertiesTest
testRange() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExpandablePatternTest
Tests expand for the {} qualifier.
testRead() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.ProtocolReaderTest
This tests the ability to read a simple command.
testReadSave() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.XmlWrapperTest
Test read and save functions
testReadWithCr() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.ProtocolReaderTest
This tests reading a Statement that contains a carriage return.
testRemoveSeriesConfig() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteWrapperTest
test the removeSeriesConfig function
testReporterFetch() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.RepositoryPackageTest
testSeriesConfigCrossProduct() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteStagesWrapperTest
Test ability to expand report series
testSetCertificate() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.ServerTest
Test that a valid key file can be read.
testSetKey() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.ServerTest
Test that a valid key file can be read.
testSetResourcesWrapper() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteStagesWrapperTest
Test set ResourceCOnfigDAO function
testSimpleConstants() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExprEvaluatorTest
testSimplePattern() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExpandablePatternTest
Tests expand for a simple pattern.
testSpecialEscape() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExpandablePatternTest
Tests special escape characters.
testStandardArgs() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ConfigPropertiesTest
testStart() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.MessageHandlerFactoryTest
Test instantiating the START command.
testStartNoError() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.ServerClientTest
Test a start message with no content.
testStatement() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.ProtocolWriterTest
Test writing a simple statement.
testSubpackageNames() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExprEvaluatorTest
testSyntaxError() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExprEvaluatorTest
testUndefId() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExprEvaluatorTest
testUnknownArg() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ConfigPropertiesTest
testUnknownCommand() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.MessageHandlerFactoryTest
Unknown command is a protocol exception.
testUpdatePackage() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteStagesWrapperTest
test updatePackage function
testValidRepository() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.RepositoryPackageTest
Test that an instantiation with a valid URL succeeds.
testVersionCompare() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.RepositoriesTest
Test ability to compare versions
testWeeklyEvent() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CronScheduleTest
Tests the nextEvent method against a weekly cron schedule.
testXmlContentToHtml() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.StringMethodsTest
testYearlyEvent() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.CronScheduleTest
Tests the nextEvent method against a yearly cron schedule.
toChars() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Statement
Converts the statement to bytes that can be sent across the wire.
toString() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Statement
toString() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repository
Override of the default toString method.
toString() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExpandablePattern
Returns a regular expression that matches the same strings as this pattern.
toString() - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.Worker
Returns the name of the thread -- there really isn't any other state kept in the class.
trusted - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
trustedPath - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.Component
tryIt(String, boolean) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.ExprEvaluatorTest
TYPE_BIN - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
TYPE_CHAR - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
Enumeration of property type values.
TYPE_I18NSTRING - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
TYPE_INT16 - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
TYPE_INT32 - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
TYPE_INT64 - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
TYPE_INT8 - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
TYPE_NAMES - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
TYPE_STRING - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty
TYPE_STRING_ARRAY - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.RpmPackage.RpmProperty


unescape(String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.XmlWrapper
Unescape escaped XML characters in a string.
UPDATE_ACTION - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
updatePackage(String, String, String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.SuiteStagesWrapper
updateSuite(String) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.DepotClient
Asks the Depot to add XML for a suite to its database, replacing any existing XML for the same suite.


validate(XmlObject) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.XmlWrapper
Validate the XML document and throw and XmlException if parsing fails.
VerifyProtocolVersion - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.protocol
VerifyProtocolVersion() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.VerifyProtocolVersion
VerifyProtocolVersionTest - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.protocol
Test basic functionality of VerifyProtocolVersion
VerifyProtocolVersionTest() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.VerifyProtocolVersionTest
VERSION_ATTR - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.repository.Repositories


Worker - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.util
Worker(WorkQueue) - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.Worker
Create a new Worker which is attached to the named queue.
workerCount - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.Server
workers - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.Server
WORKING_DIR_MACRO - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
WORKING_DIR_MACRO_DEFAULT - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
workQueue - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.Server
WorkQueue - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.util
WorkQueue() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.WorkQueue
WorkQueueTest - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.util
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
WorkQueueTest() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.WorkQueueTest
wq - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.Server.ClientDispatcher
write(Statement) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.Client
Write a statement to the server.
write(Statement) - Method in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.ProtocolWriter
Write a statement to the protocolWriter.
writer - Variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.Client
WSGRAM_SERVER_PORT_MACRO_DEFAULT - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol
WSGRAM_SERVICE_MACRO_DEFAULT - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.protocol.Protocol


XML_CDATA_PATTERN - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.XmlWrapper
XML_COMMENT_PATTERN - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.XmlWrapper
XML_NAME_PATTERN - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.XmlWrapper
XML_NODE_PATTERN - Static variable in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.XmlWrapper
xmlContentToHtml(String, String) - Static method in class edu.sdsc.inca.util.StringMethods
Translates XML content into an HTML table for easy viewing.
XmlWrapper - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.util
We provide a set of Wrapper classes which provide convenience methods for dealing with XML Bean classes generated from our Inca XML schemas.
XmlWrapper() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.XmlWrapper
XmlWrapperTest - Class in edu.sdsc.inca.util
Test XMLWrapper abstract class functions
XmlWrapperTest() - Constructor for class edu.sdsc.inca.util.XmlWrapperTest