
Standard Syntax:
     <%@ taglib prefix="inca" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags/inca/" %>

XML Syntax:
     <anyxmlelement xmlns:inca="urn:jsptagdir:/WEB-INF/tags/inca/" />

Implicit tag library for tag file directory /WEB-INF/tags/inca/

Tag Library Information
Display NameNone
Short Nameinca

Tag Summary
guid2suiteExtract the Inca suite name from a Inca guid
distributionPostProcessCreates a ChartPostProcessor instance that specifies integer tick units on the yaxis
distributionCreates a new DistributionBean object and exports it to the specified var name
time2dateConvert a timestamp in millis to a string date
graphHistoryAndErrorNo Description
errorGraphPrint a stacked bar graph of a error distribution and a table of the corresponding values
executeXslTemplateExecute the specified xsl template
averagesPostProcessCreates a ChartPostProcessor instance that specifies integer tick units on the yaxis
distributionRowAdds a row to the specified DistributionBean
weeklyAveragesGraphPrint a horizontal bar graph of the average series pass rate for the most recent week, the week before that, and the difference between them
categoryCreates a new CategoryBean object and exports it to the specified var name
distributionValueRetrieve a count value from the distribution bean
historyGraphPrint a time series graph of the report exit status and a table of the pass/fail/unknown values; each series is printed in a subplot of the graph
prettyPrintPrint the xml using pretty print indent
printXmlOrHtmlPrints xml or transforms to html if xsl supplied and not debug
graphErrorNo Description
dateReturns the current date or from a number of days ago
graphHistoryNo Description
queryQuery the depot and return the results as a query results xml document
resourcesGet the agent's resources document
tsStatusPostProcessNo Description
getUrlReturns implicit request varable string as url or query string
getXpathValuesRetrieves an array of string values from an xpath
timeSeriesPostProcessCreates a ChartPostProcessor instance that specifies vertical date ticks, ymin=-1.1, ymax=1.1, and marks
categoryPostProcessCreates a ChartPostProcessor instance that specifies integer tick units on the yaxis
addValueAdd a value to a category dataset object
getKeysRetrieve an array of key values from an object if it is an instance of java.util.AbstractMap
timeSeriesCreate a TimeSeriesCollection using the xpath values from the XML document
queryCacheHandles actions to the query cache
cpResourceNo Description

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