Package inca :: Module SimpleUnitReporter
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Source Code for Module inca.SimpleUnitReporter

 1  from inca.Reporter import Reporter 
3 -class SimpleUnitReporter(Reporter):
4 """SimpleUnitReporter - Module for creating simple unit reporters 5 6 from inca.SimpleUnitReporter import SimpleUnitReporter 7 reporter = SimpleUnitReporter( 8 name = 'Reporter Name', 9 version = 0.1, 10 description = 'A really helpful reporter description', 11 url = '' 12 unit_name = 'What this reporter tests' 13 ) 14 15 This module is a subclass of Reporter that provides convenience methods 16 for testing the successful operation of a software package. If the test 17 completes, the report body contains 18 19 <unitTest> 20 <ID>unitX</ID> 21 </unitTest> 22 23 Otherwise, the exit_status of the report is set to false. 24 """ 25
26 - def __init__(self, **attributes):
27 """Class constructor that returns a new SimpleUnitReporter object. The 28 constructor supports the following parameter in addition to those 29 supported by Reporter. 30 31 unit_name 32 the name of the unit being tested; default ''. 33 """ 34 unit_name = '' 35 if attributes.has_key('unit_name'): 36 unit_name = attributes['unit_name'] 37 del attributes['unit_name'] 38 Reporter.__init__(self, **attributes) 39 self.unit_name = unit_name 40 self.addDependency('inca.SimpleUnitReporter')
42 - def getUnitName(self):
43 """Return the name of the unit being tested.""" 44 return self.unit_name
46 - def reportBody(self):
47 """Constructs and returns the body of the reporter.""" 48 idXml = self.xmlElement('ID', 1, self.getUnitName()) 49 return self.xmlElement('unitTest', 0, idXml)
51 - def setUnitName(self, name):
52 """Set the name of the unit being tested to name.""" 53 self.unit_name = name
55 - def unitFailure(self, msg):
56 """Sets the result of this unit test to be failed with failure message 57 msg. 58 """ 59 self.setResult(0, msg)
61 - def unitSuccess(self):
62 """Sets the result of this unit test to be successful.""" 63 self.setResult(1)