Package edu.sdsc.inca

Class Summary
BrainDeadBrowser A window that implements a simple browser.
IncatComponents This class contains static convenience methods and constants used in the construction and display of Incat GUI components.
IncatComponentsTest A JUnit for the IncatComponents class.
IncatEditMenu A class that constructs and manages a common edit menu for incat windows.
IncatHelpBrowser A window that gives help information about the incat tool.
IncatList A convenience class that combines a scrollable JList and its Model.
IncatListTest A JUnit for the IncatList class.
IncatMacroDialog A Dialog window that allows the user to edit a macro name and value.
IncatRepositoryDialog A dialog class that displays information about a set of repositories.
IncatRepositoryTab This class has a unique instance that implements the first (repository) tab in the incat display.
IncatResourceDialog A Dialog window that allows the user to edit a resource.
IncatResourceTab This class has a unique instance that implements the second (resource) tab in the incat display.
IncatSeriesDialog A Dialog window that allows the user to edit a series.
IncatSuiteDialog A Dialog window that allows the user to edit a suite.
IncatSuiteTab This class has a unique instance that implements the third (suite) tab in the incat display.
ReporterArgsPanel A GUI component that allows the user to specify reporter argument values.
WrapConfig A class that wraps an IncaDocument.
WrapConfigTest Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
WrapReporter An class that wraps a reporter, represented as a Properties object, with some convenience methods.
WrapResource A class that wraps a resource or resource group, represented by an Inca XmlBean, with some convenience methods.
WrapResourceTest Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
WrapSeries A class that wraps a SeriesConfig and its accompanying Series with some convenience methods.
WrapSuite A class that wraps a suite, represented by an Inca XmlBean, with some convenience methods.
WrapSuiteTest Created by IntelliJ IDEA.