12. Component Man Pages

Each of the inca components has options that can be set in either the inca.properties file or on the command line as described in Section 11.1. To see a list components use the bin/inca help command:
% bin/inca help
Usage:  inca <subcommand> [options] [args]

Type 'inca help <component>' for help on a specific component

Available subcommands:

For example, here are the options for the depot, agent, reporter-manager, consumer and incat components:

12.1. Depot

% bin/inca help depot
java edu.sdsc.inca.Depot
  P|password   str     Specify how to obtain encryption password
  V|version    null    Display program version
  a|auth       boolean Authenticated (secure) connection?
  c|cert       path    Path to the authentication certificate
  d|dbinit     null    init depot DB tables
  h|help       null    Print help/usage
  h|hostname   str     Hostname the server should provide to clients
  i|init       path    Path to properties file
  k|key        path    Path to the authentication key
  l|logfile    str     Route log messages to a file
  n|numthreads int     # threads in worker pool
  p|port       int     Server listening port
  r|remove     null    remove depot DB tables
  t|trusted    path    Path to authentication trusted certificate dir
  v|var        path    Absolute path to server temp dir

12.2. Agent

% bin/inca help agent
java edu.sdsc.inca.Agent
  C|check            str     check the reporter manager on resources
  D|depot            str     Depot specification; host:port
  H|hostname         str     Hostname where the server is running
  P|password         str     Specify how to obtain encryption password
  R|refreshPkgs      int     repository check period for package updates
  S|server           str     Server specification; host:port
  S|startAttempt     int     re-start attempt period fpr the manager
  U|upgradeTargets   str     makefile targets to execute during upgrade
  V|version          null    Display program version
  a|auth             boolean Authenticated (secure) connection?
  b|buildscript      str     path to reporter manager build script
  c|cert             path    Path to the authentication certificate
  e|email            str     email to send notices of manager restarts
  h|help             null    Print help/usage
  i|init             path    Path to properties file
  k|key              path    Path to the authentication key
  l|logfile          str     Route log messages to a file
  n|numthreads       int     # threads in worker pool
  p|port             int     Server listening port
  r|rmdist           str     path to reporter manager tarball distribution
  s|stayAlive        int     stay alive ping period for the manager
  t|trusted          path    Path to authentication trusted certificate dir
  u|upgradeResources str     upgrade managers in specified resource group
  v|var              path    Absolute path to server temp dir

12.3. Reporter Manager

% sbin/inca help reporter-manager
    reporter-manager [-a|-s] [options]

         A string containing the URI to the Reporter Agent process that will
         be responsible for the reporter manager. Either this option or -s
         must be specified. Currently accepted URIs include:

         incas://host:port inca://host:port

         A path to a valid certificate file [default: none]

         A string containing the URI of a depot to send its reporter data
         to. Currently accepted URIs include:

         incas://host:port inca://host:port file://path

         This option can be specified more than once. The report will be
         sent to the first specified depot. If the first depot is
         unreacheable, the next depots in the list will be tried.

         A string containing a path to the error reporter. E.g.,

         Print help/usage information

         The resource identifier supplied by the reporter agent that the
         reporter manager will use to identify itself back to the reporter

         A path to a valid key file [default: none]

         A string containing a path to the file where the log messages can
         be stored. If not specified, log messages will be printed to the

         A string containing the log message level (i.e., print statements
         of this level and higher). [default: INFO]

         Read a passphrase for key from stdin

         A string containing the path to the local cache of reporters.

         A string containing a path to the reporter-instance-manager script.
         If not specified, this script will look into the directory where
         itself is located.

         A string containing a path to the Inca suite file containing the
         reporters to be executed.

         A path to either a directory or file of trusted certificates
         [default: none]

         A string containing a path to a temporary file space that Inca can
         use while executing reporters

         A positive integer indicating the period in seconds of which to
         check the reporter for a timeout [default: 2]

12.4. Consumer

% bin/inca help consumer
java edu.sdsc.inca.Consumer
  P|password str     Specify how to obtain encryption password
  V|version  null    Display program version
  a|agent    str     URI to the Inca agent
  a|auth     boolean Authenticated (secure) connection?
  c|cert     path    Path to the authentication certificate
  d|depot    str     URI to the Inca depot
  h|help     null    Print help/usage
  i|init     path    Path to properties file
  k|key      path    Path to the authentication key
  l|logfile  str     Route log messages to a file
  m|maxWait  int     Max wait time a JSP tag should wait on a cached item
  r|reload   int     Reload period for cached objects (e.g., suites)
  t|trusted  path    Path to authentication trusted certificate dir
  v|var      path    Path to temporary directory

12.5. Incat

% bin/inca help incat
java incat
  A|agent    str     Agent specification; host:port
  P|password str     Specify how to obtain encryption password
  V|version  null    Display program version
  a|auth     boolean Authenticated (secure) connection?
  c|cert     path    Path to the authentication certificate
  f|file     path    Inca installation configuration file path
  h|help     null    Print help/usage
  i|init     path    Path to properties file
  k|key      path    Path to the authentication key
  l|logfile  str     Route log messages to a file
  t|trusted  path    Path to authentication trusted certificate dir

12.6. Inca Web Services

% ./bin/inca help incaws
incaws [opts] depot agent