

reporter-instance-manager - Executes a single reporter on a resource


The Reporter Instance Manager (RIM) is responsible for launching a reporter instance and monitoring its execution. It will request the reporter from the Reporter Administrator (who will download it if not available locally) and then fork/exec it. The RIM monitors system usage of the reporter (CPU time, wall clock time, and memory) and if it exceeds a specified timeout set for either wall clock time, CPU time, or memory, it will kill the reporter and formulate an error report. Otherwise upon reporter exit, the RIM will gather stderr, stdout, usage statistics, and the depot list and send it to the Depot. The envelope is sent to the first available Depot in its list where the data will then get passed to all interested parties. : =head1 SYNOPSIS

reporter-instance-manager [options]



A path to a valid certificate file [default: none]


Add an execution context to the reporter containing setup to be done before execution and/or cleanup to be done afterward.


A string containing the URI of a depot to send its reporter data to. Currently accepted URIs include:

incas://host:port inca://host:port file://path

This option can be specified more than once. The report will be sent to the first specified depot. If the first depot is unreacheable, the next depots in the list will be tried.


A positive integer indicating the period in seconds of which to time out the send of a report to the depot [default: 120]


A string containing a path to the error reporter. E.g., inca-null-reporter


The resource identifier supplied by the reporter agent that the reporter manager will use to identify itself to the depot.


A string containing a path to the file where the log messages can be stored. If not specified, log messages will be printed to the console.


A string containing the log message level (i.e., print statements of this level and higher). [default: INFO]


Print help/usage information


A path to a valid key file [default: none]


A positive integer indicating the maximum megabytes of memory the reporter should consume before killing it.


Name of the reporter to be executed


Lower the execution priority of the reporter by invoking the reporter with the Unix nice command


A string containing the path to the reporter to execute


Read a passphrase for key from stdin


A string containing the path to the local cache of reporters.


A path to either a directory or file of trusted certificates [default: none]


A positive integer indicating the maximum period in cpu seconds the reporter should run before killing it.


A string containing a path to a temporary file space that Inca can use while executing reporters


A string containing the version of the reporter


A positive integer indicating the period in seconds of which to check the reporter for a timeout [default: 2]


A positive integer indicating the maximum period in seconds the reporter should run before killing it.


reporter-instance-manager --id=resourceA --path="t/echo_report" --context="echo_report" --name=echo_report --niced=0 --wait=5 --depot=$file_depot --depot-timeout=120 --error-reporter="bin/inca-null-reporter" --reporter-cache="t" --var="/tmp" --version="1"


Shava Smallen <ssmallen@sdsc.edu>
