11. Log Files

The agent, depot and consumer logs are located in the $INCA_DIST/var directory. Reporter manager logs are located in each manager's install directory under the var directory (e.g. ~/incaReporterManager/var).

Logging is informational by default, but can be adjusted to be more verbose ('info' to 'debug') or less verbose ('info' to 'error') by editing the $INCA_DIST/etc/common/log4j.properties file and then restarting inca components. Note that passwords are logged when 'debug' logging is turned on. Logging for the inca components can be adjusted by editing lines 26 and 27 ("log4j.rootLogger=info, stdout" and "log4j.logger.edu.sdsc.inca=info"). To log the most verbose globus error messages change line 33 in log4j.properties from "log4j.logger.org.globus=error" to "log4j.logger.org.globus=debug".

If a reporter manager is not started on a resource after you have scheduled reporters to run there, it is likely the build on that resource failed. You can confirm by looking for "Unable to stage reporter manager to " in $INCA_DIST/var/agent.log. If found, look for errors on the resource in the 2 build log files from the reporter manager build attempt: ~/incaReporterManager/build.log and ~/incaReporterManager/Inca-ReporterManager-*/build.log. The most common build failure is a bad build of the dependency Net::SSLeay which is required for secure communication; the build for Net::SSLeay will fail if it is unable to find OpenSSL on the resource.