-- a web services server for the Inca project
perl [opts] depot agent
This program provides web service access to an Inca system. Recognized options:
The host:port specification of the Inca depot to contact.
The host:port specification of the Inca agent to contact.
Indicates whether or not the connections to the agent and depot should use certificate-based authentication. The default is yes.
The path to the certificate file. Required for authenticated connections.
Print program help text, then exit. The default is no.
Path to the Inca properties file.
The path to the private key file. Required for authenticated connections.
The path where the program should log messages. By default, messages are written to stderr.
Specify how to obtain an encryption password. Required for authenticated connections.
The port to open for the web service. Defaults to 8001.
The path to the trusted ca certificate file. Required for authenticated connections.
Print program version, then exit. The default is no.